‘Towards Inclusivity’ – A practical, community-based approach to enhancing inclusive design, using data and learning design

Jannah Aljafri and Rafael Hidalgo, The Open University

Email: jannah.aljafri@open.ac.uk; rafael.hidalgo@open.ac.uk                 


Click to download the poster ‘Towards Inclusivity’ – A practical, community-based approach to enhancing inclusive design, using data and learning design (.pptx)


Module teams are often keen to design and deliver the most inclusive learning experience for all students. However they face some practical constraints such as high workloads, low resources and low confidence in sharing EDI-related challenges (Gregory & Lodge 2015; Claeys-Kulik et al. 2019).

The Open University's Learning Design team have developed 'Towards Inclusivity module evaluation project' (TIMEP) which aims to meet those needs. It is a practical framework and resource for evaluating the module and taking evidence-based actions to enhance students' experience and outcomes, including those with marginalised characteristics.

A VLE-based website guides the module team in their project, step-by-step, focusing on the most strategic areas and using data (including student voice) and learning design to help with this. The module team can access a cross-faculty community forum and live support where needed. On project completion, the module team would have developed a deeper understanding of their students' needs, more confidence in identifying key inclusivity issues and solutions, and a practical 'living' action plan.

We aim to launch 'Towards Inclusivity' in July 2023, and the poster will give a visual introduction.


Gregory, M.S. and Lodge, J.M. (2015) “Academic workload: The Silent Barrier to the implementation of technology-enhanced learning strategies in higher education,” Distance Education, 36(2), pp. 210–230. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2015.1055056.

Claeys-Kulik, A., Jørgensen, T.E. and Stöber, H. (2019) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in European Higher Education Institutions: Results from the INVITED Project. rep. Brussels: European University Association, p. 37. Available at: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED603495


Jannah Aljafri

Jannah Aljafri

Learning Designer and Student, The Open University

I joined the Open University in 2021 as a learning designer and student. Through the programme ‘Towards Inclusivity’, I aim to support module teams to take practical action in maximising their modules’ inclusivity by making inclusive design and data more accessible. My other interests are creative pedagogy, UX design and AI applications in education, and education accessibility in low-resource environments.

Previously I was senior learning designer at Cambridge Education Group Digital, working with universities such as Falmouth, Hull and Queen Mary London to co-design online Masters. I also mentored other university teams at the Learning Design Bootcamps (2019-21). Outside HE, I have worked in commercial and NGO sectors in design and development of on-demand digital training.


Rafael Hidalgo

Rafael Hidalgo

Senior Learning Designer, Learner and Discovery Services (LDS), The Open University

I hold an MSc in Electronic Engineering and a Media MBA. I joined the Open University in 2004 as a Media Project Manager and am currently a Senior Learning Designer at LDS, within the Learning Design team. Before joining the OU I had a 15 years long career in the broadcasting industry, in technical and senior management roles.

I am currently leading on the Analytics for Action (A4A) initiative, that uses learning analytics as a tool to inform and improve the design of OU modules. Since its deployment as business as usual in 2016, the initiative has benefited over 300 modules / presentations and trained hundreds of staff in the use of Learning Analytics. I am also interested in the use of interactive video in education, particularly in a distance learning environment.