The Extended Project Qualification and Widening Participation Students: Creating Equity, Improving Awarding Gaps, and Developing Research Skills

Dr Victoria Yuskaitis, University of Southampton


Session recording












Click to download the presentation The Extended Project Qualification and Widening Participation Students: Creating Equity, Improving Awarding Gaps, and Developing Research Skills (.pptx)


The University of Southampton's Learn with US Transition Programme provides free interactive workshops and guidance to sixth-form students in UK state schools undertaking the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). The EPQ is a Level 3 qualification worth half of an A-Level, which allows students to develop their own independent research project on a topic outside of their A-Level studies. This culminates in a 5000-word dissertation or investigative report or, alternatively a design, performance or artefact that is reflective of their research, supported by a shorter, written report.  This programme focuses particularly on students who meet Widening Participation (WP) criteria, therefore playing a key role in creating equity during the transition to university. Dr Victoria Yuskaitis, an Academic Skills Officer in the Learn with US team, demonstrates that research from the University of Southampton observes that higher proportions of students with an EPQ achieve first class and 2:1 degree awards compared to the proportion of students that do not have an EPQ. In addition, exploratory analysis of Southampton’s most recent research indicates that the EPQ may also contribute to reduced awarding gaps for students from underrepresented backgrounds in Higher Education. This shows that enabling students to develop key research skills and confidence in viewing themselves as potential members of a university community through an EPQ qualification improves accessibility, especially since our programme targets WP students benefitting most from these interventions.


Victoria Yuskaitis

Dr Victoria Yuskaitis

Academic Skills Officer, University of Southampton

Dr Victoria Yuskaitis joined the Learn with US Transition Programme team at the University of Southampton as an Academic Skills Officer in October 2021. She develops academic skills workshops targeted specifically to students undertaking the EPQ qualification, alongside other support such as taster lectures and student 1:1s, and works closely with post-entry colleagues to support students throughout the student lifecycle. Previously, she worked with EPQ students as an Education Outreach Officer at the University of Leeds from April 2017 to December 2020, among other roles.  She completed her PhD in Medieval Studies at the University of Leeds in January 2021, and her MA in Medieval Archaeology at the University of Sheffield in November 2015. Dr Yuskaitis has significant experience in public engagement, widening participation, and academic skills development.