Digital inclusion beyond the pandemic: call to action for a sector-wide strategy

Freddie Quek, Times Higher Education and Laila Burton, The Open University


Session recording












Click to download the presentation Digital inclusion beyond the pandemic: call to action for a sector-wide strategy (.pptx)


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the HE sector has been profound, and the rapid move to online delivery created both challenges and opportunities for improving access, participation, and success. One significant challenge has been digital exclusion and The Open University's research into students' lived experiences provides insights into the impact of digital exclusion on the learning experience, particularly for students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds.

This seminar will highlight key findings from research into digital exclusion at the OU and beyond. It will also give participants the opportunity to learn about how the UK is coming together to address this issue, such as the joint submission to the UK Parliament on 7 March, and a new collaborative initiative led by Freddie Quek to develop a digital inclusion strategy for the higher education sector. Most universities have a digital inclusion strategy and through collaboration we can take a more joined up approach to removing the barriers to learning posed by digital exclusion.


Freddie Quek

Freddie Quek 

Chief Technology Officer at Times Higher Education

Freddie Quek is Chief Technology Officer at THE. He is a disruptive, networked, and agile leader who has worked in Singapore, the US and the UK across higher education, automotive, publishing, loyalty, insurance, travel and financial services industries for RELX, Wiley, Solera and various start-ups. In 2021, he started the #joiningthedots initiative joining up 13 tech communities to address #digitalinclusion, becoming a Community Board member of the Digital Poverty Alliance and Chair of the BCS Digital Divide Specialist Group. He serves on the boards at University of Bristol, BCS Influence Board and eLife, and a member of the Technology Advisory Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry.



Laila Burton

Laila Burton

Senior Manager, The Open University

Laila is a Senior Manager within the Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Students). In this role, Laila manages projects aimed at widening access and enhancing success, including the Accessibility Programme and the Digital Inclusion Project.

Laila has been working on programmes and projects aimed at enhancing the student learning experience for over 20 years. Prior to joining The Open University, she managed the Employability and Employee Learning and Curriculum Design programmes at the Higher Education Academy (now Advance HE). Laila is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE, and focussed on distance learning and accessibility as part of her Masters degree in Education.