Collaborating to Increase Inclusion in Graduate Recruitment and Success

Angela Scanlon, Ursula McTaggart and Shauna McCloy, Ulster University


Session recording












Click to download the presentation Collaborating to Increase Inclusion in Graduate Recruitment and Success (.pptx)


In Northern Ireland graduates with disabilities are 10% less likely to attain highly skilled employment compared to their non-disabled peers. To increase equity in this area and break down barriers to highly skilled employment, those with disabilities require supportive and positive action that enables them to build their professional identity through work-based learning, develop confidence and gain access to graduate labour market opportunities.

The graduate internship offer at Ulster University as a partnership with local NI employers has been demonstrating high levels of success both for the local economy and the onboarding of graduates in to appropriate level jobs since 2012. More recently the profile of graduate students has become increasingly diverse calling for a change in the learning experience including the onboarding and engagement within the work-based context.

A new internship pathway is now being explored with the support of competitively secured local government funding. The Graduate Boost programme gives employers the opportunity to have a subject relevant graduate to contribute directly into their business. To fill current skills gaps in the context of falling numbers within the working population in Northern Ireland, it is now critical that employers seek to increase inclusive recruitment practice. The programme has brought together partners including Ulster University, Harkin Institute, USA, Disability Action NI, Specialisterne NI, Employers for Disability and NI employers. This intervention is aimed at supporting the development of inclusive and confident practice in NI through action-based research and practice.

The presentation will allow those attending to hear of the progress to date including the lived experiences of graduates. Participants will be encouraged to contribute their own experiences to lessons learned acknowledging that practice can be richly enhanced if we collaborate openly to inform the way forward.


Angela Scanlon

Angela Scanlon

Director of Employability, Ulster University

Angela Scanlon is Director of Employability at Ulster University with a history of 30 years+ in education. As an advocate for student and graduate success, she represents Ulster University interests on a range of regional and national committees. She is Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), with a Master’s in Education from Ulster University and a BA(Hons) Psychology from The Queen’s University of Belfast. She has been invited speaker for Best Practice in Adult Education at University College Cork (2014) and OU Widening Access Expert Seminars (2017) and delivered global seminars in curricula for work-based learners with Advance HE (2017). As a member for University Association of Lifelong Learning (UALL) 2014-2022 she has represented NI and is a member of NI Careers Advisory Forum. In 2018 she was appointed to the Quality Expert Panel for SOLAS for Degree Apprenticeships in Ireland and contributed to the quality assurance review.


Ursula McTaggart

Ursula McTaggart

Academic Programme Leader, Student and Graduate Talent Unit, Ulster University

Ursula McTaggart is an Academic Programme Leader within the Student and Graduate Talent Unit. She has over 15 years of experience in the Higher Education Sector and is Course Director of the Graduate Boost Programme. For the last 10 years her focus has been on work-integrated learning, supporting graduates to transition into graduate-level employment while developing professional behaviours and attributes required to succeed. She has an MEd Higher Education Practice, an MSc Web Information Stytems and a BSC Hons Interactive Multimedia Design. Ursula is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Shauna McCloy

Shauna McCloy

Head of Careers and Employability Services, Ulster University

Shauna McCloy is Head of Careers and Employability Services at Ulster University and has 14+ years working in Higher Education roles. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), with a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice and a BA(Hons) Business Studies from Ulster University. She is passionate about helping students and graduate achieve personal and career success.  Her focus is on developing frameworks which embed employability into the higher education system to equip graduates with 21st Century skills and prepare for future of work challenges.  Shauna supports organisations in the development of innovative recruitment and selection strategies that enable early identification of talent and skills ensuring a streamlined talent pipeline from higher education to industry. Shauna is a regular contributor to the national employability agenda, speaking at recent Wonkhe, QAA and Advance HE events.