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Did you, or your candidate, study at one of the former Polytechnic institutions listed below?
Did you, or your candidate, study at one of the former Polytechnic institutions listed below?
Aberdeen College of Education
All Nations Christian College
Anglia Higher Education College
Anglia Polytechnic (01/05/91)
Anglia Polytechnic University (01/06/92)
Anglo-European College of Chiropractic
Avery Hill College
Balls Park College of Education
Barking Regional College of Technology
Bath Academy of Art
Bath College of Higher Education
Bedford College of Higher Education
Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies
Birmingham Polytechnic (01/04/89)
Blackburn College (01/09/84)
Blackburn College of Technology and Design
Bognor Regis College of Education
Bolton Institute of Higher Education
Bolton Institute of Technology
Bournemouth Polytechnic
Bradford and Ilkley Community College
Brighton Polytechnic
Bristol Polytechnic
British School of Osteopathy
British Telecom, Bletchley
Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education
Bulmershe College of Higher Education
Camberwell College of Arts (The London Institute) (01/04/89)
Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts
Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts (The London Institute) (01/06/87)
Camborne School of Mines
Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology
Canterbury College of Art
Cardiff College of Art
Cardiff Institute of Higher Education (01/09/90)
"Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design (The London Institute) (01/04/89)"
Central School of Art and Design
Central School of Speech and Drama
Chelmer Institute of Higher Education
Chelsea College of Art and Design (The London Institute) (01/04/89)
Chelsea School of Art and Design
Chelsea School of Art and Design (The London Institute) (01/06/87)
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
Chichester Institute of Higher Education
City of Birmingham Polytechnic
City of Leicester Polytechnic
City of London College
City of London Polytechnic
Colchester Institute
College of Ripon and York St John
College of St Mark and St John
Cornwall College of Further and Higher Education
Coventry (Lanchester) Polytechnic
Coventry Polytechnic (01/06/87)
Craigie College of Education
Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Eduation
Croydon College
Dartington College of Arts
Derby Lonsdale College of Higher Education
Derbyshire College of Higher Education (01/09/83)
Doncaster College (01/04/90)
Doncaster Metropolitan Institute of Higher Education
Dorset Institute of Higher Education
Dudley College of Education
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art
Dundee College of Technology
Dundee Institute of Technology (01/04/90)
Dunfermline College of Physical Education
Ealing College of Higher Education
Elim Bible College
Essex Institute of Higher Education
European Business School
Exeter College of Art and Design
Falmouth School of Art
Falmouth School of Art and Design (01/09/87)
Garnett College
Glamorgan Polytechnic
Glasgow Bible College
Glasgow College of Building and Printing
Glasgow College of Technology
Glasgow Polytechnic (01/05/91)
Glasgow School of Art
Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology
Goldsmith's College
Gwent College of Higher Education
Harper Adams Agricultural College
Harrow College of Higher Education
Hatfield Polytechnic
Havering College of Further and Higher Education
Hendon College of Technology
Hertfordshire College of Art and Design
Hertfordshire College of Higher Education
Highbury College of Technology
Hillcroft College
Hornsey College of Art
Huddersfield Polytechnic
Hull College of Higher Education
Humberside College of Higher Education
Humberside Polytechnic
Humberside Regional College of Art
International Correspondence Institute
International Management Centre from Buckingham
Ipswich Civic College
Jews College
Jordanhill College of Education
Kent Institute of Art and Design: Canterbury College (01/09/87)
Kent Institute of art and Design: Maidstone College (01/09/87)
Kidderminster College of Further Education
King Alfred's College
Kingston College of Art and Technology
Kingston Polytechnic
Kingston upon Hull Regional College of Art
Laban Centre for Movement and Dance
Lancashire Polytechnic (09/84)
Lanchester Polytechnic
Leeds Polytechnic
Leicester Polytechnic
Leo Baeck College
Liverpool Polytechnic
London Bible College
London College of Fashion (The London Institute)
London College of Furniture
"London College of Printing and Distributive Trades
(The London Institute)"
London College of Printing (The London Institute)
London Guildhall University
Loughborough College of Art and Design
Luton College of Higher Education
Maidstone College of Art
Manchester Polytechnic
Maryvale Institute of Religious Education
Middlesex Polytechnic
Mid-Kent College of Further and Higher Education
Moray House College of Higher Education (01/04/87)
Napier College of Technology
Napier Polytechnic of Edinburgh (01/09/88)
National Coaching Foundation Consortium Council
Nazarene Theological College
Nene College
New College, Durham
Newbold College
Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic
Newport College of Art and Design
Norfolk Institute of Art and Design (01/09/89)
North East London Polytechnic
North East Surrey College of Technology
North Staffordshire Polytechnic
North Worcestershire College
Northbrook College of Design and Technology
Northern College of Education (01/04/1987)
Northern Counties College of Education
Northern Polytechnic
Northern Regional Management Centre
Norwich City College
Norwich City College of Further and Higher Education
Norwich School of Art
Notre Dame College of Education
Nottingham Polytechnic (01/09/89)
Oak Hill College
Oxford Polytechnic
Paisley College of Technology
Plymouth Polytechnic
The Polytechnic of Central London
Polytechnic of East London (01/04/89)
The Polytechnic of Huddersfield (01/04/89)
The Polytechnic of North London
Polytechnic of the South Bank
The Polytechnic of Wales
Polytechnic of West London (02/07/91)
The Polytechnic Wolverhampton
Polytechnic South West (01/09/88)
Portsmouth Polytechnic
Preston Polytechnic
Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh
RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine
Ravensbourne College of Art and Design
Regent Street Polytechnic
Regent's College
Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology
Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama
Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester
Royal Military College of Science
Royal Naval College
Royal Naval Engineering College
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
Ruskin College
Saint Martin's School of Art
Salford College of Technology
School of Clinical Perfusion Science
Scottish College of Textiles
Selly Oak Colleges
Sheffield City Polytechnic (1976 onwards)
Sheffield Polytechnic (1969-1975)
Slough College of Higher Education
Sotheby's Educational Studies
South Bank Polytechnic (01/04/89)
South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education
South Shields Marine and Technical College
South West London College
Southampton Institute of Higher Education
Spurgeon's College
St Andrew's College of Education
St Helen's College of Technology
St Helen's Community College (01/01/90)
St John's College, Nottingham
St Paul's College, Cheltenham (07/79)
Staffordshire Polytechnic (01/09/88)
Stockport College of Further and Higher Education
Stockport College of Technology
Stourbridge College of Technology and Art
Suffolk College of Higher and Further Education
Sunderland College of Art and Design
Sunderland Polytechnic
Swansea Institute of Higher Education (01/10/91)
Teesside Polytechnic
Thames Polytechnic
The College of Ripon and York St John
The College of St Mark and St John
The College of St Paul and St Mary
The Liverpool Polytechnic (21/11/88)
The Nightingale School of Nursing
The Polytechnic of Central London
The Polytechnic of Huddersfield (01/04/89)
The Polytechnic of North London
The Polytechnic of Wales
The Polytechnic Wolverhampton
The Polytechnic, Huddersfield
The Queen's College, Glasgow
The Robert Gordon Institute of Technology
The Suffolk College of Further and Higher Education
Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham
Trinity College, Bristol
Trowbridge College
Ulster Polytechnic
Wall Hall College of Education
Watford College
West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education
West London Institute of Higher Education
West Midlands College of Higher Education
West Surrey College of Art and Design
West Sussex Institute of Higher Education
Westminster College, Oxford
Wigan College of Technology
Wimbledon School of Art
Winchester School of Art
Wolverhampton Polytechnic (01/04/89)
Woolwich Polytechnic
Worcester College of Higher Education
Writtle Agricultural College