Rosetta in the UK launches

Today, 30th June 2014, sees the launch of Rosetta in the UK, a national outreach and public engagement programme showcasing and celebrating the UK's involvement in the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission. Rosetta in the UK aims to bring together academia, industry, educators and government to showcase the inspirational UK science and engineering teams that have been working on Rosetta for (in some cases) 20 years and have helped Rosetta reach comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to perform its ground breaking science.

The website at is the main portal for sharing this information however we aim to do much more. Rosetta is an inspirational space mission and the science and engineering behind the mission can be used to add value to the teaching of STEM subjects (chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics and engineering) in the UK national curriculum. In association with the National Space Academy, Rosetta in the UK will be developing new STEM teaching resources and delivering training workshops to help teachers to use these resources in the classroom. We'll also use the website to highlight other Rosetta-related teaching resources and teacher events organised by other partners such as ESERO-UK.

We'll also be using the site to showcase all the events and exhibits that you can attend to get a more hands-on experience of Rosetta science and engineering. Just go to our events page to find out more.

The Rosetta in the UK programme will evolve and continue throughout the entire science phase of the mission ('til December 2015 - or beyond if necessary) so to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest from the mission, its UK partners and our fantastic educational programme then please follow us on Twitter (@RosettaintheUK) or Facebook ( and share with your friends!

Rosetta in the UK is funded by The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and co-ordinated by The Open University in collaboration with the National Space Academy.

Contact us

Any media enquiries should be directed using the links below:

The Open University

Science and Technology Facilities Council

UK Space Agency