The "Living on the Moon!" exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2019 is an interactive experience highlighting the progress of lunar science since the Apollo 11 Moon landings 50 years ago. Our exhibit illustrates the journey from Moon landing, to Lunar sample science, to the current generation of Moon rovers looking for water on the Moon, and provides a look forward to the next 50 years and a vision of a permanent human presence on the Moon.
Visitors will be able to handle lunar samples and analyse them under the microscope and through interactive virtual miscroscopes, having a chance to discuss what we have learned from them about the Moon. Find out about current planned missions to revisit the Moon to answer outstanding science questions such as the location of water and other resources, and explore the plausibility and challenges of enabling a sustainable human presence on the Moon through utilisation of local resources. See a demonstration of how 3D printing might be used to produce structures and components on the Moon using local materials.
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