Interactive questions typically have four elements.
The question which states the problem (Figure 1 below). You may use text, equations, tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, photographs, audio, video or animations.
Predicted responses which are matched with student responses (Figures 1, 3 and 5). Student responses may be in the form of words, numbers, mouse actions, or the states of radio buttons, click boxes or drop boxes.
Feedback aimed at correcting wrong responses and pointing the students in the right direction (Figures 2 and 4).
A full explanation which is seen by all students either after providing a correct response or after making too many incorrect attempts (Figure 6).
Click on the image below to open it in a separate window, then hover the mouse pointer over the image until the 'expand' button or magnifier appears. Click on the expand button or with the magnifier to view the image at a larger size.
Comments on OpenMark may be addressed to:
Chris Nelson
Product Development Manager
The Open University
Greg Black
Production Manager
The Open University