Referencing 'how-to' video series

A student wearing headphones is sitting on a sofa writing in a notepad, with an open laptop in front of them.

Poor referencing is a common way to lose marks in assignments and taking the time to learn how to reference correctly can help you to avoid plagiarism. The Library has created a new short-video series - called 'The why and how of referencing' - in addition to our existing guidance on how to keep track of and reference the information you find. This video series was created in response to feedback from OU students and provides you with bite-sized information on various referencing topics, such as:

  • Why and when do you need to reference?
  • How to reference, featuring top tips.
  • Cite Them Right online guides.
  • Referencing OU module materials.

The Library also offers a live training session on referencing, as well as a programme of other online training sessions, open to all OU students and staff. These cover a variety of topics, including introductions to the online library, how to find information for your assignments, and more. And remember, the Library Helpdesk will be on hand to help 24/7 if you need any further support.

Photo credit: Kaboompics on Pexels