New and improved Library training session videos

A student is sitting at a desk and writing in a notepad. They have an open laptop and scattered sticky notes in front of them,

Each month, Library Services run a programme of online training sessions for students – providing live, interactive training on library research and digital literacy skills. Recordings of these sessions available to watch anytime and students tell us that the sessions make a difference in helping them to build research skills and confidence.

As part of our insight work with students, we gathered feedback on the recordings of two popular training sessions – ‘Introduction to Library Services’ and ‘The why and how of referencing’ – to gather suggestions on how the videos could be improved. Based on what students told us, we completely updated the visuals, revised the script, improved the sound and video quality, and added an interactive activity. Members of the Library Student Panel gave these updated videos their seal of approval and the videos are now available on the Library’s YouTube channel.

Take a look at the new and improved Introduction to Library Services and The why and how of referencing videos wherever you are, and at a time that suits you. To find out more about these and other sessions, visit the online training session page on the library website.

Photo credit: Canva