Open Access book fund publishing milestone

Front cover of the book, 'Private Sponsorship of Refugees in Europe' by Chiara Berneri.

We are pleased to announce that the first book funded from the institutional Open Access book fund has been published: Private Sponsorship of Refugees in Europe by Chiara Berneri, Lecturer in Law. This open access book focuses on private sponsorship of refugees, which has slowly begun to increase the opportunities for refugees to start new lives in Europe, without putting themselves or their families at risk from perilous journeys.

In response to the publication, Chiara said: 'I am extremely grateful to The OU for allowing me to publish open access. In less than a week since the open access publication the book has received 23 downloads. This fast and instant visibility would have not been possible otherwise and I am confident that this will increase citations and avenues for future collaborations.’ 

The next call for applications to the Institutional Open Access Book Fund is open and closes on Friday 20 December 2024. For more information, including the eligibility criteria and application process, visit the Open Access Book Fund Library support page.