Accessing resources from academic libraries

A student is sitting at a desk in a Library which has some textbooks and an open laptop placed upon it. There is a bookshelf behind them.Do you need space to study, or to borrow books from your local university library? As an Open University (OU) student, we have good news for you.

The OU belongs to a national scheme called SCONUL Access, which enables you to study at and borrow books from many other university libraries in the UK and Ireland. And it’s free! As long as you’re currently registered on a module worth 30 credits or more, you are eligible – and each time you sign up for another module after that, we can simply renew your membership. Full eligibility details and details of how to join or renew the scheme can be found in the OU’s SCONUL Access Policy. For those who are not based in the UK or Republic of Ireland, there are some international options available.

Students tell us that being part of the scheme has a positive impact by supporting their studies and wellbeing:

“As I do not live local to an OU campus, it is helpful to be in the university environment to motivate and facilitate my studies. Accessing other university libraries allows me to have the benefits of a brick uni while having the flexibility of distance learning.”

“The SCONUL Access scheme gave me the opportunity to find a welcoming, positive and quiet place in which to study. As a low income, distance learning student, I feel this has been instrumental in my successes so far as an OU student.”

For more information on the SCONUL Access scheme and how to get involved, visit the Using other libraries and SCONUL Access page on the library website. If you have any questions or need further support, the Library Helpdesk offers online help through our 24-hour chat service available 7 days a week.