The Open University recently participated in an evidence session hosted by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection at the Houses of the Oireachtas in Dublin, entitled, "Studying at University through on-line learning, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)". The OU presented to the Joint Committee alongside two other Irish universities, Trinity College Dublin and Dublin City University.
Speaking after the presentation, Nation Director for Ireland John D'Arcy commented, "It was great to have the opportunity to brief the Joint Committee on the innovative online learning tools that Irish citizens have access to through The Open University. There is a real appetite across Ireland for engagement with online learning methods. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that there are currently over 2500 learners enrolled on our courses in the Republic of Ireland and that Ireland has the third highest number of FutureLearn users across the world after the UK and USA.
"We also drew the Joint Committee's attention to The Open University's very successful partnership with Trinity College Dublin on developing a free FutureLearn course entitled, "Irish Lives in War and Revolution: Exploring Ireland's History 1912 -1923".
More than 20,000 learners signed up to this course making it one of the most popular on the FutureLearn platform.
Contact Christine Murphy
Communications Manager
Tel +44 (0) 28 9053 6219