It's made me more confident in my abilities to try something new

Fiona smiles wearing her graduation robe

Fiona, from Tipperary, graduated with an OU BSc in Psychology in October 2023.

Fiona faced many challenges after completing secondary school in 2013. Battling illness during her final year, she found herself at a crossroads, unsure of the way forward. Reflecting on her initial experience of higher education, Fiona recalls, “I got offered a place in Business Studies for a course I picked at random. I just accepted it because everyone else was going to college, and I didn't want to be the one left behind. I remember sitting in accounting lectures and asking myself ‘why did I do this?’. I only lasted about 6 weeks.”

Though initially planning a brief break from university, Fiona found herself enjoying the freedom and independence of the working world. She explains, “I knew it wasn't for me, and when I went into the world of work, I didn't want to leave. I was enjoying supporting myself too much. I hated the thought of going back to be a full-time student. So, I took a four-year gap year.”

“My employers convinced me to try The Open University for a year, as I could continue to work and do a degree at the same time,” she shares. Embracing the flexibility offered by The Open University, Fiona embarked on a journey of self-discovery while navigating different countries and career paths.

With the OU's open access policy and flexible study options, Fiona pursued her passion for psychology, which had eluded her through traditional channels. “I choose psychology, which is what I always wanted to do, but I didn’t have the points to study psychology through the CAO system. I also needed the flexibility to live wherever my career took me, while still studying. As I was still earning a living, I was not building up massive student debt.”

As her studies continued, Fiona's aspirations changed, and her degree became a source of passion and purpose. “Initially it was a personal goal to have a degree. But then as I progressed through the course, I realised that I really loved it,” she enthuses.

Fiona's dedication paid off, as she transitioned from a career in marketing to become an Assistant Psychologist in Stuttgart, Germany, where her commitment to learning was valued by her employer. “They were very supportive and impressed that I was doing it while working as well.”

Throughout her academic journey Fiona valued the advice she received from her OU tutors, as well as the encouragement from within The Open University's vibrant student community. “The student community has definitely been one of the highlights. They were very supportive, and if a student is struggling, they're usually not the only one, so other students are very helpful.”

With newfound confidence and self-belief, Fiona approaches the future with excitement and anticipation. “I feel a lot more confident in my abilities now,” she shares. “I didn't believe I could do it, and I think that's why it took me so long to go back to college after four years. I had all these doubts that I just wouldn't be academically able for it. But it's made me more confident in my abilities to try something new.”

As she plans her next steps, Fiona dreams of further study in psychology, perhaps even up to doctorate level.

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Communications Manager
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