Dr Anna De Liddo joined us on 19 May 2021 to present 'From Passive Viewing to Active Listening: Collective Intelligence technologies for Peace Building Education in Rwanda'.
Dr Anna De Liddo is a Civil Engineer and Urban Planner by training, specialised in Interaction Design and Human-Centered Computing Research. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute of The Open University, where she leads the IDea Research Group which investigates the socio-technical factors influencing the design and uptake of Collective Intelligence (CI) infrastructures for social awareness and citizen engagement in policy and decision-making. In the past 10 years Anna has led the design and development of 7 different Collective Intelligence and Online Deliberation technologies (Cohere, The Evidence Hub, LiteMap, DebateHub, CIdashboard, Democratic Reflection and Democratic Replay). She also led the testing and facilitated the deployment of these technologies with real users, communities and organisations (20.000+ People). She was PI of the FP7 project CATALYST on Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation and Co-I of the EDV project (Elections Debate Visualisations), an EPSRC funded project which produced new ways to harness audience feedback to political debates, at scale and through ubiquitous and interactive technologies. Most recently, in 2019, Anna was awarded a prestigious individual fellowship from the Global Office of Naval Research (US) to research the next generation of technological solutions for discussion-enhanced collective decision-making.
In this presentation, we introduce Democratic Reflection, an audience feedback technology to promote active listening, deeper reflection and personal learning through interactive video replays. With the help of Aegis Trust, a British based Non-Government Organization working for the prevention of genocide and mass atrocities worldwide, we engaged a small community of citizens in Rwanda in a study to tests how our audience interaction technology can support the enhancement of critical thinking and active listening capacities, as well as influence understanding of the contents and emotional engagement with audiovisual materials form the Kigali Genocide Memorial. By critically reflecting on the project we highlight some pragmatic challenges and opportunities of using this digital tool with stakeholders in Rwanda. We then conclude by discussing the potential innovative role of contested collective intelligence technologies as critical thinking tools for internal (individual first) and collective change in highly dividing and contested domains.
To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:
International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1908 858502
E: international-development-research@open.ac.uk