Fostering the development of the Burundi Research Network


Owing to the violent crisis that erupted in Burundi in 2015, academic freedom and freedom of speech have been severely repressed, and many Burundian scholars are in exile. 

The Burundi Research Network (BRN) connects Burundian and international scholars whose research is contributing to restoring dialogue and finding positive solutions to current crises and problems in the region.

This project aims to foster the development of the BRN’s activities, specifically networking, capacity building and knowledge exchange centred around the BRN Annual Conference in July 2019. 


Astrid Jamar, Open University (Principal Investigator)  


This project is funded through The Open University’s internal top-up funding for the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), as part of our work to support the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment. 


The situation in Burundi since the events of 2015 is having a negative effect on the development process, economic growth and communities’ sustainability as well as human rights, governance and security, not only within the country but within the surrounding region.

With very limited financial resources currently being invested in Burundian academia, this project is supporting North-South knowledge exchange regarding these challenges, facilitated by the BRN 2019 conference in Nairobi, Kenya, 2–4 July 2019. 

The conference enables open academic debates about the causes and effects of the current crises among 52 Burundian and international scholars with policy representatives of organisations working on issues of conflicts and displacement in the region. 

The aim is also to build capacity among Burundian doctoral students and researchers, with activities including methodological training for PhD students and a writing workshop to support dissemination of research.  

More information

This project is aligned with Dr Jumar’s ongoing research concerning knowledge production, displacement and violence in the African Great Lakes region. 


Astrid Jamar

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International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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