Speed-Networking Leads to New Bids

OU's Open IDEAS speed networking event image

As a result of the first Open IDEAS speed-networking event in January, three applications for internal funding – totalling almost £10K – have been approved by the OU’s Research and Academic Strategy Office (RAS).

All three involve building consortiums as part of larger bids to secure funding from, amongst others, the Global Challenge Research Fund. The projects in development are:

  • Phase II: Partnership Networks for Bid Readiness in the Global South, led by Ben Lampert, will explore what Europe can learn from Uganda’s progressive migration policies and successful integration of huge numbers of refugees
  • Consortium Building: Energy And The Environment, led by Satheesh Krishnamurthy, will look at energy and international development research opportunities with partners in India and Brazil
  • Consortium Building: Access to Higher Education in Nigeria, led by Nicole Lotz, will look at raising the quality of tertiary education in Nigeria.

Open IDEAS (International Development Engagement and Sharing) is organised by the SRA-IDII in conjunction with RAS. The first event reflected the interdisciplinary focus with attendees drawn from departments including Classical Studies, German, Computing, Politics and Environmental Science.

Nicholas Turner, Lecturer in Analytical Science in STEM, commented:

Open IDEAS was a really effective way of meeting multiple academics from a range of faculties, many of whom I hadn’t met before. I thoroughly recommend joining one of the sessions if you’re looking to develop fresh ideas and meet engaging new colleagues.

Further submissions are expected following the February event and the final workshop will take place in April. Find out more and register for your place now.

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