Sanctuary in Sweden: Workshop to discuss support for refugees in Malmö

Image of Malmö, Sweden

A workshop organised by The Open University and funded by the ESRC will address the evolving challenges faced by organisations supporting refugee groups in Malmö, Sweden.

Taking place on Friday 29 September in Malmö, the event will include presentations and roundtable discussions with organisations working across the refugee support sector in the city. Themes include implications for funding, supporting women, children and LGBTQ+ people, supporting survivors of sexual violence and torture, organisation capacity building, and responding to legislative change.

The workshop particularly aims to offer scope for network-building across groups supporting people seeking asylum in Sweden broadly, and the region of Skåne specifically.

Confirmed participants and speakers include: Fridh Advokatbyrå (law and human rights), Newcomers RFSL Malmö (LGBTQ+ support), Svenska Röda Korset (Red Cross), The Swedish Red Cross Centre for Persons Affected by War and Torture in Malmö, Skåne Stadsmission, Lund University Sociology of Law.

The event is organised by Dr Victoria Canning, Lecturer in Criminology at The Open University, and will take place 12-5pm on Friday 29 September, 2017 at Sofielund Folkets Hus, Rolfsgatan 16, 214 34 Malmö, Sweden.

To register for a place at the event, or for more information, contact Victoria Canning

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