Welcome and introduction to the day.
“Empirical research on the political economy of finance. Insights from quantitative and qualitative analysis.” Chair: Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos.
Jose B. Fevereiro, The Open University. “The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Undervaluation. A panel data analysis of the relationship between Real Exchange Rates and Income Distribution”.
Ariane Hillig, Goldsmiths University. “‘Locked in the rat race’. Dimensions of Household Financial Identities”.
Davide Villani, The Open University. “The rise of net lending among G7 countries: A firm-level analysis.”
“PhD research on political economy: New directions and preliminary results”. Chair: Daniele Tori.
Maria Gomez-Benitez, The Open University. “Unequal exchange in the European Union. The input-output analysis of trade between Spain and Germany”.
Antonis Kyparissis, The Open University. “An episode in the history of financial innovation: UK investment trusts after WWI”.
Pedro Siqueira Machado, The Open University. “Monetary costs, conflict distribution, and trade specialization”.
“Political economy approaches to Business and Finance”. Chair: Andrew Trigg.
Lorena Lombardozzi, The Open University. “Social Form, Social Reproduction and Social Policy: Basic Income, Basic Services, Basic Infrastructure”.
Matthew Haigh, The Open University. “Emotional and social aspects of career adaptation”.
Daniele Tori, The Open University. “The Financial Innovation Hypothesis. Schumpeter, Minsky and the sub-prime mortgage crisis”.
Roundtable discussion with Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos (Open University) and Andrew Trigg (Open University): “New directions in the political economy of finance”.
This event is supported by the International Knowledge Development Research Centre
Registration is free. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/new-perspectives-in-political-economy-tickets-61226497101 for organizational purposes. For further details please contact Jose Fevereiro at jose.fevereiro@open.ac.uk or Daniele Tori at daniele.tori@open.ac.uk.
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