10:00-11:45 PANEL ONE: Health and food services in the UK
Maureen Mackintosh (OU): “What would a gender-equal health service look like? How might we move towards it?” (paper link here)
Jerome De Henau (OU/WBG): “The case for investing in universal childcare across various economies”
Lorena Lombardozzi (OU): “Food Poverty and urban struggles during COVID-19 Pandemic: the social reproduction of unequal London” (IKD working paper with Jeanette Copperman and Carolyn Auma)
Discussant: Sue Himmelweit OU / Women’s Budget Group
45 minutes break
12:30-14:00 PANEL TWO: Health and gendered social change in the Global South:
Kevin Deane (QMUL - OU): “Wealthier women and their general absence in the development literature: towards a future research agenda”
Ece Kocabicak (OU): “Gendered Property and Labour Relations in Agriculture: Implications for Social Change in Turkey”
Fiorella Picchioni (University of Greenwich): “Strengthening resilience in response to COVID-19: A call to integrate social reproduction in the sustainable food systems approach”.
Discussant: Susan Newman (OU)
5 minutes break
14:05- 14:30 Wrap up, impacts and way forward
(moderator: Lorena Lombardozzi)
Link to Lorena's just-published IKD WP: https://www.open.ac.uk/ikd/sites/www.open.ac.uk.ikd/files/files/working-papers/Food%20Poverty%20London_Lombardozzi%20et%20al_0.pdf )
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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
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