The role of the state in innovation - Seminar is now cancelled

Wed, 18 March 2020, 12:00 to 14:00
Christodoulou Room 11 (CMR11) Discussion 12:30 - 14:00 (lunch 12:00 - 12:30)

"The role of the state in innovation."

Speaker - Theo Papaioannou (DPP)


The state and its role in technological innovation and social justice have become, once again, fashionable topics of political and economic debate. A number of innovation theorists argue that, never more than today, it is necessary to rethink the state’s entrepreneurial role in society and welfare. Their argument provides justification for the existence of the state, going beyond classical political theory and especially contractarian accounts of legitimacy and obligation. It emphasises the ability and willingness of the state to take risks and reduce uncertainty of economic agents for the sake of innovation that can make everyone better off.

This presentation insists that although the risk-taking argument of innovation theorists deserves further attention and analysis, it should not be abstracted from a holistic politico-theoretical approach to the state. Such an approach is necessary for a critical understanding of the complex set of predominantly political institutions which compose the state and which have been historically developed to guarantee social reproduction. Any risk taking for innovative enterprise and mission oriented investment ought to be justified and legitimised on the grounds of principled democratic procedures. This implies that innovation itself is a value-laden political process, requiring participation in the decision making and standards of fairness.


Theo Papaioannou is Professor of Politics, Innovation and Development at the Open University and Director of the Innogen Institute (Open University and University of Edinburgh). He has researched and published extensively in the areas of innovation, politics and development. His recent publications include: (with Smita Srinivas)‘Innovation as a Political Process of Development: are neo-Schumpeterians Value Neutral?’ Innovation and Development (2018) and Inclusive Innovation for Development: Meeting the Demands of Justice through Public Action, London: Routledge 2018.

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