Theo Papaioannou and Dinar Kale are organising a half-day workshop in partnership with New Delhi's Centre for Responsible Business. The Role of Industry Associations in Influencing Healthcare Innovations and Sustainable Development in India: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Considerations will share the findings of their recent Leverhulme project on industry associations. There will also be a discussion on the contribution the pharmaceutical industry can make to achieving sustainable development in general, and specifically to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in India.
A number of industries and industry leaders are developing thinking and action on how to contribute to the achievement of the ambitious SDGs in India. On several occasions in the past, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has helped to achieve some of the most challenging healthcare-related needs of ordinary Indians.
The SDGs provide an unprecedented opportunity to the Indian pharmaceutical industry to contribute further. However, a number of enabling factors and conditions first need to be in place. The workshop will thus facilitate a multi-stakeholder discussion on evolving a responsible pharmaceutical sector in the country.
To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:
International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1908 858502