Networked Open Innovation: An Approach to Global Collaboration in Health

Wed, 8 February 2017, 12:45 to 14:00
Presentation Room, Level 2, Michael Young Building, OU, Milton Keynes

International Development seminar presented by Patricia Dandonoli, who will look at promoting collaboration to achieve practical solutions to global health challenges.

Presentation & discussion 12.45 - 13.30; lunch (provided) 13.30 - 14.00. To reserve your free place, please email the IKD events administrator.


In her seminar, Patricia Dandonoli will focus on a concept that holds promise for promoting collaboration across low-resource and higher-resource settings, and for diverse actors to achieve practical and innovative solutions to global health challenges.

She will draw on an example from Innovations' Maker Movement, one of several projects developed and piloted by Concern Worldwide through its Innovation for Maternal & Child Health grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Patricia is a former CEO of Wateraid USA, director of a $40M Gates-funded global health initiative taking place in India, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi and Sierra Leone, and was central in the creation and launch of the American University of Jordan. She now Lectures at the School of Visual Arts in New York, working with social design students to engage in international development real-world experiences.

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