Multisectoral Analysis and Global Trade

Fri, 30 November 2018, 14:00 to 18:45
Room DTH G5,
Deptford Town Hall,
Goldsmiths, University of London,
New Cross Rd,
London SE14 6AF

Jointly organized by Ariel Wirkierman of the Institute of Management Studies (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Andrew Trigg of The Open Political Economy Group (IKD, The Open University)


Economic production is increasingly organized in Global Value Chains, in which there is trade across national boundaries of intermediate goods. This has been most pronounced in manufacturing sectors but is increasingly involving services as well. The blueprints for input production become codified knowledge that is outsourced to different countries. A multisectoral analysis of trade provides the focus of this afternoon seminar, including both theoretical and empirical approaches. Several of the presentations will report recent work using the World Input-Output Database, which includes national tables with interlinking trade flows.


14:00-16:15    Session 1

Gabriel Brondino (Universidad Nacional del Litoral and CONICET, Argentina) Trade in intermediates and productive specialization in Latin America

Maria Benitez-Gomez (The Open University) European value chain analysis: the case of Spain

Pedro Siqueira-Machado (The Open University) Critical assessment of modern formulations of classical trade theory: Steedman’s contribution

16:15-16:30    Coffee break

16:30-18:45    Session 2

Ricardo Araujo (University of Brasilia) The case for the balance of payments constrained growth hypothesis: a structural economic dynamic approach

Jose Bruno Fevereiro (The Open University & Goldsmiths, University of London) On the political economy of exchange rates: a subsystem approach

Jeff Powell (University of Greenwich) Exploring the interconnection of the internationalization of production and the emergence of financialised capitalism

Location map


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