Institutional child - and youthcare in interdisciplinary perspective

Wed, 20 September 2017, 13:00 to 15:00
The Open University
Library, Seminar 4 *** Please note change of Venue***

LIBRARY, SEMINAR 4 ***Please note change of room***

Lunch is provided from 12pm 

12.30pm - 2pm Discussion and presentation.

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Speaker: Sylvia Meichsner - Sheffield University

Institutional child- and youthcare is commonly seen as belonging to the field of Social Work and a theme of concern to childhood and youth scholars. Taking the global forces institutional childcare is embedded into and dependent upon as a focal point, this presentation will demonstrate that it is actually a phenomenon that needs be looked at and explored from a range of different disciplinary angles to be able to come to a full appreciation. It will showcase their points of intersection and discuss possible routes for further in-depth examination.

Sylvia Meichsner has a background in sociology, social research and international development. She has conducted extensive research on residential care institutions for children and young people in their broader historical, economic and socio-cultural context.


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