Factor Income Distribution, Work and Employment: Social and Economic Perspectives is an ESRC-funded series of six seminars taking place at the OU (London), Nottingham Business School, Leeds University Business School and Birmingham City University. The aim of the series is to explore factor income distribution from a plurality of perspectives, including heterodox approaches (such as post-Keynesianism, Kaleckian and radical economics) as well as mainstream analyses. The gender lens of feminist economics will also be considered, together with institutional perspectives and contributions from other disciplines.
Inequality, Wages and Finance, hosted by the Open Political Economy Group (OPEG) at the OU, is the final seminar in the series. Participants from government, industry and the university sector are warmly invited to attend and PhD students are especially welcome. It will be followed, on Wednesday 30 November, by a postgraduate workshop, organised by OPEG research students.
Registration and Bursaries
As places are limited, booking is essential. A limited number of travel bursaries will also be available. For more information about bursaries, or to book your place, please contact Camille Heslop-Martin.
14.00 - 16.00: Nadia Garbellini (University of Bergamo): Inequality in the XXI century: A critical analysis of Piketty’s work
Engelbert Stockhammer (Kingston University): Determinants of the Wage Share: A Panel Analysis of Advanced and Developing Countries
16.00 - 16.15: Coffee Break
16.15 - 18.15: Sarah Marie Hall (University of Manchester): Everyday Austerity: Family Life, Finance, and Facing Multiple Fronts
Jonathan Perraton (University of Sheffield): Inequality, Debt and Consumption – Evidence from European Economies
18.15 - 18.30: Closing Summary: Bruce Philp, Seminar Series Co-ordinator (Birmingham City University)
To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:
International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1908 858502
E: international-development-research@open.ac.uk