Gender and Social Policy

Mon, 13 May 2019, 12:00 to 17:00
The Open University, Camden Office, London. Room 1

The newly established IKD Gender and Social Policy theme aims at bringing together human and social scientists within FASS working on gender and feminist approaches to investigate contemporary socio-economic dynamics. Academic members of this theme ideally would engage in theoretical, empirical, methodological, and policy debates centered on gendered and/or feminist approaches to political economy and development processes. The members would also engage with up-to-date debates within gender-related policy circles. 

The IKD theme offers the opportunity to discuss on-going research and policy debates among colleagues in an informal setting via seminars series. Members would find an engaged venue to share completed and on-going research, and discuss opportunities for potential collaboration in research bids. The theme will also organise external events, inviting speakers in collaboration with IKD. Finally, the theme is a vehicle for engaging OU academics with policy and outside community working in the area.

General areas of interests are: Gender-equitable macroeconomic policies; The care economy and women’s health; The multiple linkages between productive and reproductive work; Global South and gendered labour relations. Obviously, there is potential for people to engage and shape the direction of these areas at the workshop.

We are launching this new initiative on the 13th of May: 

Workshop agenda

The sessions will be attended only by members of FASS, WELS and OU affiliates

11:00 Welcome

11.15-12:00 Presentations of participants (participants might prepare 500 words (written/oral) on their expertise/ interests /proposals to the theme’s activities)

12:00-13:30 Theme’s research agenda, potential collaborations and future activities

13:30 lunch break

14:15- 16:00 Panel discussion on “Gender and Social Policy” – (Open to public):


- Prof Diane Elson – Chair of the UK Commission on a Gender Equal Economy

- Dr Ania Plomien -Assistant Professor in Gender and Social Science LSE

- Professor Sue Himmelweit and Dr Jerome De Henau Open University / Women’s Budget Group

Chair: Lorena Lombardozzi (Open University)

16:00 Official close

Please register on Eventbrite

Limited budget is available for travel costs. For further information, please contact or



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International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502