Energy & Environment: Fostering Inclusive Innovation in LMICs

Thu, 25 May 2017, 11:00 to Fri, 26 May 2017, 17:00
IL Suite, Library, OU, Milton Keynes

The OU has strong links and sustainable partnerships in energy, environment and resource policy with a focus on socially-oriented research and technology in developing countries including India, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Brazil.

This two-day workshop, supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and Erasmus+ and organised by the Engineering and Innovation team in STEM, will further strengthen its international energy and environment network.

Open to all active researchers and industrialists, the event will explore how inclusive innovation in low- and middle-income countries can best be supported through collaborative, impact-driven research.

Key themes include:

  • solar energy
  • water (eg. security, purification)
  • remote energy labs
  • smart cities

and there will also be a particular focus on developing bids under the Global Challenge Research Fund.

Speakers include Tanzania's Dr Askwar Hilonga, whose innovative, low-cost water filter won the Royal Academy of Engineering's first Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation; J Chandrasekara, Founder-CEO of Watsan which provides low-cost Terafil water filters to urban slums and rural families in India; and Professor B R Mehta, Dean of Research (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi).

To suggest a speaker - or to put yourself foward - please contact Heidi McCafferty.

Registration is free but closes on Friday 12 May at 12 noon. Register now.

Directed by Dr Satheesh Krishnamurthy, the event is supported internally by IDII and the Research and Academic Strategy Office. Other funders include DFID, Leverhulme and Newton Funds.


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International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502