Inclusive Innovation and Development

What are the potential impacts of inclusive innovations in the Global South? Could they help meet basic social needs and reduce inequality? Is security a precondition of innovation and development?

On the 13th of September, China’s state-owned enterprise, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, launched the Long March 7A rocket from the Wenchang spaceport on Hainan Island. The rocket transferred the Zhongxing-1E(ChinaSat-1E) satellite into geostationary transfer orbit, making it China’s 38th orbital launch in 2022.  

Harvesting water in South India, Bombay Agricultural Department Bulletin 1910. Image credit: British Library

The OU's Dr Sandip Hazareesingh and collaborators from the Indian NGO Green Foundation invited to present the research findings of their GCRF project  at the House of Commons

Can co-operation and forms of co-operative organisation help address the social and economic challenges of our time? These and other issues informed a lively seminar held at The Open University last month. Find out more and watch the videos.

Photo of Dr Alison Buckler at Ethiopia's National Teachers’ Conference

Dr Alison Buckler, a Research Fellow in International Education and Development at The Open University recently delivered the keynote speech at Ethiopia's National Teachers’ Conference. Find out more in her blog.

The Open University hosted the inception workshop for its new GCRF Inclusive Societies project on How to link industrial and social innovation for inclusive development: lessons from tackling cancer care in Africa (now shortened to Innovation for Cancer Care in Africa (ICCA)) on 15-19 October 2018.

Insights from this year's Innogen Institute annual meeting, which marked the move of the Institute’s Directorship from the University of Edinburgh to The Open University.

Dr Koula Charitonos shares important insights from a recent roundtable focused on the role of technology in language education for migrants and refugees.

Ayomide Oluseye is a PhD student with The Open University, studying into teenage pregnancy and motherhood in Nigeria. In this blog, Ayomide shares what inspired her to focus on this for her PhD and what she hopes to achieve.

Image of Training MOOC Facilitators in Kabwe – Sept 2017. Over 400 teacher educators registered for the MOOC and 50% of them completed. (Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa on FutureLearn.

A look at the history and impact of the OU's Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa (TESSA) in Zambia, by Kris Stutchbury, Senior Lecturer in Teacher Education and Academic Director of TESSA. 

Professor Helen Yanacopulos discusses the collective sense of denial surrounding the recent Oxfam scandal

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International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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