Anti-bullying Conference - Northern Ireland

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 09:00 to 17:00
The Whitla Hall, Queens University, Belfast

Reach out to stop bullying one day conference: What can psychology contribute to addressing bullying amongst children and young people in schools and communities.

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It is as a joint conference by the Northern Ireland Branch of the British Psychological Society (NIBPS) and The Open University, and also supported by the Northern Ireland Antibullying Forum/National Children’s Bureau and by a range of local BPS Divisions of Psychology.

It is part of the Anti-bullying Alliance’s Anti-bullying Week this year (14 - 18 November 2022).


Gillian Cuthbert from Education Authority Northern Ireland – briefly at start of the day, Peter Smith Emeritus Professor, Goldsmiths University, Professor Mona O’Moore, Director of the Antibullying Centre Trinity College Dublin, Professor Siobhan O’Neill, Northern Ireland Mental Health Champion, Koulla Yiasouma,  (Former) Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People – briefly to end the day, and of course our very own Dr Karen Hagan, who states 'This is a collaboration linking the Antibullying Alliance’s Antibullying Week Theme for 2022 to psychological perspectives on bullying.  Although it is a Northern Ireland event it is also, from the point of view of Anti-bullying Alliance, a 4 UK Nations activity. The aim of the conference is to showcase, to a range of relevant professionals (e.g. teachers, community workers, social workers) and policy makers, what psychology specifically can contribute to discussions and practical work to address bullying amongst young people and children. Overall, my main aim to increase (local) interest in the topic and introduce new approaches/thinking into work to address it'.

Register for the event via the BPS website

BPS will manage the registration system for the event. The keynotes will be video recorded to add to a conference website but it is not being live-streamed.