Image captions and credits

Methodist Central Hall, London

Methodist Central Hall, London by hozinja on Flickr.

Orthodox Jews, Stamford Hill, London

Orthodox Jewish, Stamford Hill, London by dcaseyphoto on Flickr.

Charles Spurgeon photo

C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) from

St Paul's Cathedral, London photo

St Paul's cathedral, London by Lawrie Cate on Flickr.

Westminster Cathedral consecration photo

Consecration of Westminster Cathedral on 28 June 1910 by Catholic Westminster on Flickr.

Black Majority Church  photo

New Testament Church of God, Lichfield Road, Bow, London, by Gavin Moorhead.

East London Mosque photo

East London Mosque, Tower Hamlets. Photograph by Salman Farsi, East London Mosque Trust.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about the project or would like to get involved, please contact:

Dr Gavin Moorhead
The Department of Religious Studies
The Open University
1-11 Hawley Crescent
Camden Town

We welcome your comments and feedback.