Words and Music II Conference

Friday, April 11, 2014 - 01:00 to Saturday, April 12, 2014 - 01:00
Portorož, Slovenia

In December, 2011, the first Words and Music conference was held in Maribor, Slovenia. Words and Music II will take place at the sunny Slovenian seaside. This conference will explore the relationship between words and music, and the place of that relationship in modern culture.

Possible topics of relevance include, but are not limited to, songs and song lyrics, poems set to music, novels about music and musicians, opera and librettos, rock opera, metaphor in music, translating song lyrics, phonetics and pronunciation in singing, drama and dramatic elements in music videos, music and travel, music and tourism, music journalism, music and ideology, using song lyrics in the classroom, and songs and culture.

Interested individuals are asked to submit an abstract of up to 250 words (including presentation title) and complete contact information (name, institutional affiliation, mail and e-mail addresses, and contact telephone number) by November 30, 2013.

The conference will be jointly organized by The University of Primorska, The University of Ljubljana, The University of Maribor, and SDAŠ, the Slovensko društvo za angleške studije.

Contact email: <wordsandmusic@uni-mb.si>

Univerza na Primorskem
Fakulteta za turistične študije - Turistica
Obala 11a
6320 Portorož


Contact us

Literature and Music Research Group
The Open University
School of Arts & Humanities
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA

Delia da Sousa Correa
Robert Samuels