CFP: Listening Between the Lines

Friday, June 13, 2014 - 01:00 to 01:00
Monash University

Exploring the relationship(s) between music and literature

This symposium aims to enact such a cultural exchange by gathering research that blends musical and literary topics in diverse and novel ways. We encourage papers that explicitly address the disciplinary relationship between music and literature, and also those that outline the methodologies of one discipline for the edification of the other. Since there are any number of aesthetic forms that can combine music and words, we invite submissions from any literary studies, creative writing, musicology, ethnomusicology, performance studies, film and television, translation studies, or any number of other disciplines that may touch upon them. Deadline: 1 May 2014

Contact us

Literature and Music Research Group
The Open University
School of Arts & Humanities
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA

Delia da Sousa Correa
Robert Samuels