Contemporary Indian Literature Workshops

Workshop: Open University London 25-27 June 2007

Contemporary Indian Literature in English for Indian Markets
Date: 25-27 June 2007
Venue: Open University Camden Town

For more details please contact Dr Suman Gupta (

Programme Pdf (14 kb)

Please follow this link to view pictures of the workshop.


  1.  An Overview of the Indian Publishing & Bookselling Industry, Rob Francis, Publishing Consultant
  2. Contemporary Indian Writing in English: Is there a market in India for this text?, Tapan Basu
  3. The Market and the Reader: Five moments in the Indian Publishing Industry, Vaibhav Iype Parel
  4. Analysing The Book Review, Biblio, and The Hindu Literary Review: The Impact of Review Publications on the Indian Market, Akhil Katyal
  5. Looking at the Indian Market through the literary magazines: observations on The Little Magazine, Civil Lines and Yatra, Shivani Mutneja
  6. Buying and Selling Contemporary Indian Writing in English: The Booksellers' Sense of the Market, Arunima Paul
  7. Negotiating Growth: An Analysis of Publishing Firms with Reference to Indian Writing in English, Shvetal Vyas

Workshop: Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi 8-10 March 2007

Report on the Workshop of 8-10 March 2007 in Delhi
Workshop programme
Pictures from the event


  1. Paper Understanding the Demand Drivers of Books in India, R. Sriram. Cofounder, former CEO & MD Crossword Bookstores Ltd. Paper presented at the workshop on Contemporary Indian Writing In English And The Indian Market, March 8 March 2007, lamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
  2. Marketing and Promotion of Indian Writing in English, Presentation by Shvetal Vyas at the Delhi workshop
  3. The Book - Review Section of The Little Magazine, Second presentation by Shvetal Vyas
  4. Sighting Markets, Moulding Readerships: A Study of The Little Magazine as a Distinctive Publishing Initiativepresentation made by researcher Arunima Paul
  5. Packaging the 'Literary' : Promotional Ventures for Contemporary Indian Writing in English
    by Arunima Paul
  6. The Market and the Review: Analyzing ‘The Book Review’ by Akhil Katyal
  7. Analysing the market through The Hindu Literary Review by Vaibhav Iype Parel
  8. Analysing the market through Biblio by Shivani Mutneja