Events, Conflict and Postcolonial Conflict Group


Empires and their Hostile Populations
Friday 12 Septemer 2014
Senate House, University of London

Institute of Commonwealth Studies-Ferguson Centre joint workshop

Featuring papers on Kenya (postcolonial use of resettlement versus disturbances on the northern frontier), Malaya, Ireland, Afgahanistan, Algerian population control, British central policy, and comparative.

Ferguson members Karl Hack (population control), William Sheehan (Ireland) and Hugh Beattie (Afghanistan) will be giving papers, with other speakers coming from the UK and France.

Enquiries: contact Dr Karl Hack

Previous events:


Karl Hack gave a paper on 'The Historian, the Courts and Expert Witness statments: Reflections based on’truth-seeking’ and memory wars in Malaysia' at the Radcliffe Institute, Boston University's project on The Archive, History and Law: the Politics of Re-membering, Truth-Seeking and the Re-making of History, at the first workshop held on October 18-19, 2013. 


Dr Karl Hack testifies as expert historical witness
In October 2012 Dr Hack testified as expert historical witness on communists in the case of Mohamad Sabu versus Utusan Malaysia, in the Penang High Court, Malaysia. This case touches on issues of historical memory, politics and freedom of speech, and was widely reported in the regional press, as in The Malaysian Insider and Utusan Malaysia


September 2011 Dr Hack addressed an Institute of Historical Research conference on 'British ways in counterinsurgency'

Karl Hack, panel member on 'Targetted Populations' at New York University's Gallatin School Counterinsurgency Conference, 22 September 2011. Find out more

Karl Hack, paper on Malayan Emergency for 'Butcher or Bolt' conference on 15-16 September 2011, organized by Brunel University and part-funded by the US Marine Corps Foundation. Find out more

Karl Hack, Chair of panel on 'Colonialism, Decolonisation and Post-Colonial Legacies' at the Association of Southeast Asianists UK, 2011 Conference, in Cambridge, 9-11 September 2011


Karl Hack organized and co-chaired an academic-practitioner workshop on 'Negotiating with the enemy', in cooperation with the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in London. This focused on historical case-studies, with a particular focus on their relevance to contemporary 'Afpak' events.


Karl Hack organised an international seminar in Singapore in June 2008 on the 'Asian Cold War', with British Academy funding (2008-10).  He then interviewed ex-communist insurgents in Southeast Asia in 2008-2009.


November - Karl Hack gave a paper to the Royal United Services Institute seminar on 'Hearts and Minds in British counterinsurgency' in November 2007.