Creative Writing Research: an investigation

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 - 17:30 to Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - 19:30
Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU.

Autumn 2015 Seminar Series

Creative writing at post graduate degree level involves using practice and creative exploration as part of the research process. But what does this mean to practising writers, and how does their imaginative process connect or interact with the academic demands of research?  During this seminar series, 15 Open University lecturers and research students will be reading from their work and talking about their research process.

Examples of research questions that creative writers might ask relate to form and function, structural or stylistic questions or questions of authorship. They may be driven by thematic or subject based ideas, cultural conditions or the psychological or emotional context for their work.

These seminars will be of interest to anyone who is interested in creative writing as an academic discipline, but also to writers in general who are thinking about their own writing and want to deepen their understanding of the way that other writers work.

The seminars are running in the lead up to a new Creative Writing MA which the Open University is introducing in autumn 2016.

In this seminar series, Open University lecturers and post graduate students will be exploring these issues with reference to their own writing process. Each evening will be a mix of readings and reflections, and will end with a question and answer session.

Seminar 1: Tuesday November 3 2015
5.30 – 7.30 pm


How do creative writers research their work? To what extent is creative research distinct from academic research? How do writers differ in the way they develop their research practice?

Open University creative writing lecturers and PhD students (past and present) will be reading from their creative work and reflecting on their process. Readers will include Siobhan Campbell, Sally O’Reilly, Nicky Harlow and Jane Yeh.

All are welcome.  

Seminar 2: Tuesday November 17 2015
5.30 – 7.30 pm

What are the key challenges for creative writers in the academy in terms of integrating the creative and the intellectual components of their work? What discoveries do they make in the process of interrogating their work from an academic perspective?

Open University creative writing lecturers and PhD students (past and present) will be reading from their creative work and reflecting on their process. Readers will include: Edward Hogan, Ben Masters, Derek Neale, Joanne Reardon Lloyd and Emma Sweeney.

All are welcome.  

Seminar 3: Tuesday December 8 2015
5.30 – 7.30 pm

What do we mean by ‘creative practice’ or ‘practice-based research’? Are we developing ‘templates’ for such research, or is this by definition an individual process?

Open University creative writing lecturers and PhD students (past and present) will be reading from their creative work and reflecting on their process. Readers will include: Emily Bullock, Sarah Butler, Shanta Everington, Jo Falla, Deirdre Lynne and Heather Richardson.

All are welcome.  

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Department of English and Creative Writing
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Tel +44-1908-652092